The solution to all problems..that makes one master of the matter

Friday, June 29, 2007

God must be Holly!

Holiness, good, life seem to be inseparable from the truth. However, human mind is limited and cannot really perceive eternity but as much as we can, we "get the idea". God is Holly, He alone is flawlessly Holly…or else…think for yourselves.

I have wondered for a while, thinking about God’s holiness. How do we know God is Holly? Yes, I know the Bible says so but how do I see it for myself and experience it now?

After pondering on it for a while, an idea crossed my mind: the very existence, (the very idea) of right and wrong, of good and bad implies an Inventor of these concepts. If there had not been a "bad", we would not have known what "good" means.

Let’s take an example; suppose you are a princess/prince and you have never seen a rotten apple so far (as all your cooks had to make sure you have only the best apples on your table).

However, one day you see a rotten apple and you wonder what happened to it. You realize the differences between a good apple and a bad one. The lovely aroma of a good apple has now turned into a smelly putrid one that you can’t even think of eating!

Yes, Jesus Himself said that we could know people by looking at what they do; can we pick good eatable fruits from a thorn bush? A good tree produces good fruit; a bad tree produces bad fruit." By their fruit you will know them".

In our relative society, it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish between good and bad and many say "what you consider bad, is a life style for me so it can’t be that bad!"

Anyway, when you look around in the world today, there are so many people who don’t even realize they have a problem! For instance, an alcoholic or a drug addict (I take them as examples for it is on obvious fact) does not even realize they are on their way to destruction. The other actions (lying, gossiping, adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, etc.) lead to destruction just as much…maybe somewhat less obvious for a first glance; nevertheless, with all technology and progress in medicine, the graveyards are still very much among us, just like they have always been.

Elvis Presley said:" Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it's not going to go away."

I cited Elvis above as I see more and more how there is no holiness without truth and truth is good and good leads to life. The two are left in the end: life and death.

Jesus is the Only one Who can give life as HE is The Life itself! He has the power to defeat death and He proved it by rising up from death and proves it today as well. He said He will draw all people to Him and His Good News will be taken to the margins of the Earth! Now, after two thousand years, we see these things happening and indeed He fulfilled what He said! Not only this prophecy but also hundreds of them! Hundreds!

"We seem to seek the truth when it in fact seeks you." Rick Beneteau

Indeed, The Truth had to seek us, as we cannot reach it by our own strength and The Truth (Jesus) came on Earth and told us that we all have a problem that is the sin and it leads to death. The Truth told us how much the Holly Eternal Creator loves us, and The Truth Himself died for us so that we "the apples of His eyes" would never become "rotten apples"(dead).

Even if we physically die, He promised us that He takes us in His "Dimension" and there we will be alive forever without evil troubling us.

"Truth is what stands the test of experience." Albert Einstein

The truth came on earth and people saw Him, they didn’t fear death afterwards! They saw The Life Itself and died for their belief! Now, I would not die for a lie, would you? If you do not have something/someone to die for, your life is empty!

Another famous quote from Einstein is:" Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Bible has strong foundations and scientists are amazed to see how accurately the science confirms what the Bible announced thousands of years ago! God said the Earth was round and that nothing holds it! Plus so many other things that took science thousands of years to discover!

It is great to have life so ask it from Jesus, He will surely give it to you abundantly as He said this is the very reason He came to Earth, to give us life and not just any kind of life but life from abundance! Plenty, eternal and passionate! May all humans find it and live it!

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