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Monday, March 26, 2007

The Mayan Dreamspell 13 moon Calendar

1. Replaces current Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory XII, 1582). Originally from Babylon.

2. The Dreamspell is a modern version of the main Mayan calendar. It has 13 months (moons), each month has 28 days.

3. It is a natural cycle calendar. It is the same as menstrual cycles and moon cycles. It stimulates synchronicity and telepathy.

4. The current year is YELLOW SOLAR SEED. It commenced on 26th July 2001.

5. The Dreamspell 13 moon Calendar is based on the Mayan calendar of wave harmonics and resonant fields - and the liberation of the mind.

6. The current Mayan calendar cycle covers the period 3113 BC to 2012 AD, 5125 years. Unlike other ancient calendars it has never been in error. All its predictions have been accurate.

7. The Mayans of Mexico were master mathematicians and time worshippers. They understood time and space more accurately than us. They knew that Planet Earth would come into synchronisation with the Universe by 2012 AD.

8. By 2012 we will have reached a total collapse of time as we know it and an entry of humanity into post history.

9. Part of the Mayan prophecy was the Harmonic Convergence Prophecy which said the Age of Materialism must end at this time and we must return to Nature to save ourselves and the planet, our biosphere.

10. Under the Gregorian calendar we are living a fundamental dog matic "error in time"

11. Use of the calendar in everyday life will help heal Planet Earth, break the vicious link between time and money and bring oneness and understanding to humanity.

12. The Mayan prophecy says that we will soon not need money and about the same time we will have universal telepathy.

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